Thursday, 16 April 2009

Birthday :)

It was my birthday monday and i was lucky enough to spend most of the day with my fella who bought (well downloaded) mario one and two onto my wii. It was a real memory jogger playing those two games again and for a while i was a nine year old again.
Spent a few days befor and after my birthday making a few charm bracelets which I have listed on folksy. Here is a picture of 'Spring' I have also listed 'Spring Morning' and 'Summer Sky'

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

My first post

This is my first post and I thought I would kick off the blog with a few pics of the jewellery I have been making and have listed on my folksy shop. Its all a bit new to me this online selling (or trying to!) thing, I'm not a technophobe, I know my way around the internet (you tube mainly) but have never really had the confidence to give the selling thing a go. It is something, though I'm not brilliantly successful at, that I am loving. There is nothing like seeing the thing you have spent hours and hours making up there for all the world to see and hoping that someone will love it the way you do.

Anyway, the pictures are of the two items (I need to make more!) that I have listed on my shop.